Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Indoor Snow

So I've done it. I've hit the jackpot with the laziest mom hands-on activity for my kids ever.

I realize I'm a little late posting this -- we did this on March 6th and now it's April and all our snow has melted. But maybe you're reading this from Saskatchewan, I dunno, and it's still relevant.

  1. Must be winter (or spring if you live in Chicago) and must snow
  2. Go outside, fill bowl with snow - avoid yellow snow
  3. Give it to your kids who will be waiting with baited breath
  4. If you're feeling up to it, add some food coloring.
  5. You're done. Pour a glass of wine (or vodka, depending on your day)
It can't get any easier than this and the kids loved it. They're not keen about sticking their hand in snow outside, but in a bowl with food dye -- that's a different story.

Lazy mom strikes again!

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