Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It's a new year and this is my last whine

Years back, a friend loaned me a book titled, "The Bitch in the House." Whether or not she was trying to tell me something is completely irrelevant. The book is a compilation of short essays about being a woman ...

And I think when I first received it, I was all "Girl Power" -- like I was so cool reading this. But I feel differently now ... It's no joke dude. Sometimes I feel like the Bitch in the House ... Tired. Stressed. Cranky. 

Mainly it's because watching kids all day is TIRING, having a constantly messy house makes me STRESSED out, and when the kids go to sleep and my cat (& husband) want me all to himself, I get CRANKY. (Well not always!)

Why does everyone need me? And why does everyone think I belong to them? For instance, why do I have an audience when I'm in the bathroom or getting changed? Even when I say, "go play, mommy wants privacy," they answer, "no we wanna be here with you." Touching, I know. But I still want my privacy.

My son the other day pointed to my stomach and said, "What are those lines?"  I'm wondering why he's in my room and not playing with the 3,000 Legos he got for Christmas.

My daughter, 2-1/2 yrs old, still puts her hand down my shirt -- she was weaned at 14 months old!! ("Can I touch your chet," she asks. She says the word "chest" super cute and we're trying to stop her from saying the "B" word someone taught her.). 
They're good 87% of the time. Here they are as Doctor & SuperMan taking care of Baby.
Lately, I've been doing everything wrong. "Mom," cries my 4-year old, "you didn't do this riiigght!!" This being a pseudonym for about 1,000 things that I have done that day, none of them meeting with his approval.

"Mom I want yogurt in my oatmeal," I start spooning out the yogurt for my son. "Noooo, not thaaaat kiind!!!"

It's not just my son.

"La La La La Mommy's World," I croon on the way home from preschool drop off.
"NOOOOO, ELMO's World!!!!" screams my 2-year old in a voice that reminds me I really did have Rosemary's Baby.

After much thought, I have came to the conclusion that I'm not the Bitch in the House, but rather, I'm everyone's Bitch. Do this, do that, wipe this, clean this, kiss this... Sometimes I'd like to just be a huge middle finger telling everyone to "kiss this!"

So because one of my New Years Resolutions (at least as far as this blog is concerned) is to be less whiney (and bitchy), I felt this post was good therapy. Like, "Gosh that felt good to get off my chet."

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Here's an interesting way to look at the past year ... So, where did all your money go?

Ours went to the house of course! I've previously called it the Money Pit, but now I'm referring to it as the Paycheck Vacuum -- sucking money from every crevice of your bank account. 

What else does this snapshot of 2014 tell me? Um ... That our eating habits cost more than our property taxes. Either I'm due for a new tax assessment (no thank you) or Whole Foods really isn't "Aldi" just spelled backwards.

But all was good in 2014, we only exceeded our yearly budget by $350, which easily adds up to trips to Starbucks because the kids are asleep in the car and so what else should I be doing and 1 lousy trip to Costco for 50 rolls of toilet paper, 20lbs of sugar, and socks for the kids. Blame the kids!

Happy New Year!