Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Sticker Chart

Our Doctor always tells us that we should do a sticker chart for our son.

I know a lot of parents use sticker charts for potty training, but we lucked out in that our 27-month old potty trainee was happy enough with a High-Five. We were clueless on how the sticker chart worked and a few searches on Pinterest revealed that the possibilities were endless.

What finally tipped the scale in favor of trying out a sticker chart was that since turning 3, our preschooler has found his inner Mr. Hyde and it's making the day ... unbearable. There are a few habits he has developed that are just not working for us -- hitting his sister, throwing toys (out of anger and frustration), not listening to me & daddy, and basically throwing huge tantrums. I'm hoping the sticker chart might be a short-term solution to end (or at least, to curb) these nasty habits.

My first questions was: What kind of sticker chart? And for that I had to ask myself how I can get through to my kid. Throwing stickers up on a grid wasn't going to cut it; I had to search for what my child loves and that was-- like so many other boys-- CARS.

I admit that I feel nothing short of sheer genius that I have some up with this amazing sticker chart. 

Our sticker chart is the Piston Cup Championship. There is a start & finish line and every sticker earned represents a lap around the track. Our son earns a sticker when he has a good day in which he follows our house rules (for the most part) and there are two "Pit Stops" where he has to he change his tires and that represents a special treat.

Now every time he passes his sticker chart, he has an easier time visualizing the goals and seeing how far he has to go until the next Pit Stop and finally the Finish Line.

It's slow ... It's been almost 2 weeks and he just reached his first Pit Stop so we had lunch at a local restaurant that serves your grass-fed beef burgers on a train. Choo Choo!

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