Friday, March 7, 2014

Why I currently love my preschooler more

When my daughter was born, and my son was 23 months and running around like a wind-up monkey with the cymbals (the Energizer one that doesn't slow down and eventually stop), I fell in love with my quiet, nursing, swaddled infant. Love just poured over me every time we gazed into each other eyes, blur of 2-year old boy creating mayhem in my peripheral vision. Nevertheless, my newborn and I were in love.
Mommy's little stinker
Fast forward!

My newborn is almost 21 months and I no longer feel that warm glow as she screams "NO!!", rolls away from me as I change her diaper, and screams at the top of her lungs at approximately 2 a.m. because her water cup is an inch away from her hand and she need ME to grab it and place it in her mouth.

I currently love my preschooler more.
  1. You ask me in your sweet voice, "Mommy, can you read me 4 stories tonight? No wait, 5 stories!"
  2. You're inquisitive and bright - and you love it when mommy explains things to you.
  3. You love to help me cook & bake, pulling over your chair to the counter.
  4. After lunch you say, "Mommy you make the best ham sandwich ever."
  5. You love when I sing songs to you and make requests that change regularly.
  6. When you ask where Dusty Crophopper is and I say, "Upstairs?" You answer, "Yeah, I think you're right!" (I've recorded that to use for the future).
  7. When I say, "Smile!" You do.
  8. When I stepped on Scoop from Bob the Builder and hurled myself across the room, you brought out an ice cube for my toe 
  9. When you wake up in the morning, you feed the cats (not eat their food), then go play quietly with your toys until we wake up (instead of vice versa). 
  10. When I pull up to pick you up at preschool and you see me, you're face lights up and we smile at each other. I look forward to that part all morning.
    At Papa's 80th Birthday Brunch -- "smile!"

1 comment:

  1. I love your daughter's expression in the last photo. She mean business, watch out!
