Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Here's an interesting way to look at the past year ... So, where did all your money go?

Ours went to the house of course! I've previously called it the Money Pit, but now I'm referring to it as the Paycheck Vacuum -- sucking money from every crevice of your bank account. 

What else does this snapshot of 2014 tell me? Um ... That our eating habits cost more than our property taxes. Either I'm due for a new tax assessment (no thank you) or Whole Foods really isn't "Aldi" just spelled backwards.

But all was good in 2014, we only exceeded our yearly budget by $350, which easily adds up to trips to Starbucks because the kids are asleep in the car and so what else should I be doing and 1 lousy trip to Costco for 50 rolls of toilet paper, 20lbs of sugar, and socks for the kids. Blame the kids!

Happy New Year! 

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