Tuesday, December 23, 2014


It's Festivus and time for the the annual "Airing of Grievences!"

via cdn2.sbnation.com
 Now my airing of grievances -- surprise surprise -- could last all week and while so many do deal with my dear relatives, I decided to focus on one particular Grievence, not involving a "near & dear", of which I shall Air on this blog post.

Dear former Dentist,

Thank you for taking care of my teeth for the past 12 years and for selling your practice to a new dentist who gave me the heebie jeebies which sent me out in search of a new dentist. This new dentist was shocked that I had so many of my mercury fillings from grade school (ahem, 30 year old fillings) still in my mouth and took pictures showing all the decay around them. She also noticed a lot of other things ...

So thank you for doing such a bang-up job on my teeth these last 10 years when I had superb dental insurance, such as letting my teeth decay under 30 year old fillings. Now I have to have them all replaced under our new dental insurance that acts like it's a 10% off coupon.

Thank you and have a happy Festivus,

Unhappy smile

Am I in the wrong for being totally pissed off?  When a dentist tells you, "You're teeth look great!" you walk out with a skip in your step that you don't have to go back until 6 months later. When they do a filling, it gets done and you don't know if they failed to remove a mercury filling a millimeter away -- as my new dentist said, "You're tooth was numb, why not just remove the old filling?"

Grrr. Happy Festivus to you all!

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