Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cats for Sale

Dear Cats,
I'm listing you both on eBay. I've had enough. I just got done extricating a huge poop out of my daughter's underwear, and I come downstairs to find that you vomited all over the family room carpet. Haven't I had enough disgusting bodily functions for one day? I get boogers wiped on my shirt, sneezes blown in my face, and demands to have 2 different asses wiped clean of crap. Do I need your vomit too?

Keep petting me until I tell you to stop, which is never.

And while we're at it:
  • I'm not feeding you at 3 a.m. so you both can stop meowing at the top of your lungs.
  • Thank you for ripping a hole the size of a chipmunk in the screen trying to get out of the house.
  • No, I'm not going to pet you for 2 hours after the kids fall asleep.
  • Stop leaving furballs around the house the size of mice.
  • I'm sick of dropping $200 every time I have to bring you to the vet
  • I'm sick of dropping $100 every week for your damn special cat food because you have damn urinary crystals that may cause you to either pee on our bed or die.
That's all I can think of now and I will for sure be leaving all of this off my eBay listing and instead describe you two as "very furry, very lovable, cats who enjoy laying in your lap [digging their nails into your bare skin.]"

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